New handout for stimulating the vagus nerve.

Head over to the resources section of the site to check out this new handout, or just click here.

The vagus nerve innervates most of our visceral organs and is involved in the “rest and digest” nervous system. When we have symptoms like having trouble relaxing, a racing heart, or are generally “burnt out”, often our vagus nerve is not acting as much as we would like it to. By consciously stimulating this nerve, we can push our nervous system towards the “rest and digest” state, modifying our symptoms and how our body feels for the better. Meditation, laughing, and taking cold showers are all examples of how we can do this.

Check out the handout! If you google this topic you’ll be able to dive deeper into the topic from both physical and mental health perspectives. It’s a little content-heavy, but really cool!

As always , don’t hesitate to reach out via the contact section if you have any questions.


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