Here are my clinic locations and service rates
Standard Chiropractic rates:
Chiropractic follow-up visit: 15 minutes (20 minute timeslot) = $70
Chiropractic extended follow-up visit: 30 minutes (40 minute timeslot) = $140
Chiropractic initial visit: 45 minutes (1 hour timeslot) = $150
Mobile Chiropractic rate:
50% of hourly rate ($240/hour) for driving travel time & fuel
Special rates for assessing/treating the tailbone area (requires more time, niche skillset, and increased liability):
Chiropractic tailbone area initial visit: 60 minutes (80 minute timeslot) = $280
Chiropractic follow-up visit: 15 minutes (20 minute timeslot) = $70
Chiropractic extended follow-up visit: 30 minutes (40 minute timeslot) = $140
Chiropractic initial visit: 45 minutes (1 hour timeslot) = $150
Hourly Rates
Non-clinical hourly services provided by Dr. Carpino may include report writing, presentations, ergonomics evaluations, etc.
My hourly rate is $240 per hour, but this may vary depending on the service provided or may be provided for free as a volunteer in certain circumstances.
Have a topic you’d like me to talk to you or your company about? Send me an email to get started.